


취업관련 기업을 소개합니다.

  • 현대중공업
  • KCC
  • SK 에너지


2019~2021년도 기준 주요기업체 취업현황

  • (주)LG생활건강(울산공장)1
  • (주)LG이노텍 (구미)5
  • (주)LG화학여수공장3
  • (주)SKSM1
  • (주)경동도시가스3
  • (주)국제플랜트(부산,울산)7
  • (주)나재5
  • (주)다울텍1
  • (주)덕양1
  • (주)듀어코리아1
  • (주)로보스타비에스디1
  • (주)매직시스템1
  • (주)베스틱1
  • (주)빙그레1
  • (주)삼구아이앤씨11
  • (주)삼양사 울산공장2
  • (주)세진중공업2
  • (주)신영1
  • (주)엠에스정밀1
  • (주)우성조선1
  • (주)울프4
  • (주)유창파워텍1
  • (주)일진글로벌1
  • (주)제이콘1
  • (주)지이엠플랫폼1
  • (주)진우제이아이에스1
  • (주)카프로1
  • (주)탑아이엔디1
  • (주)포스코(포항)23
  • (주)포스코켐텍2
  • (주)풍산1
  • (주)프로텍메인터넌스5
  • (주)한미테크1
  • (주)한솔케미칼5
  • (주)한주1
  • (주)협력1
  • (주)후성1
  • (주)휴비스1
  • CJ 헬스케어(오송공장)1
  • CJ제일제당4
  • DHENT1
  • GS칼텍스2
  • KBS(한국방송공사)울산방송국1
  • LG디스플레이5
  • LG하우시스(울산공장)3
  • SK어드밴스드1
  • SK에너지1
  • SK이노베이션(주)15
  • SK케미칼1
  • SK하이닉스(주)(에스케이)23
  • UNIST1
  • 경일기업1
  • 광명산업(언양읍)1
  • 국도화학1
  • 국일FA1
  • 금호석유화학(주)상개동2
  • 남명기업(산업)1
  • 남창물류1
  • 다빈치1
  • 다운이엔씨(주)1
  • 대덕1
  • 대성산업가스1
  • 대진설비(매암동)1
  • 대한송유관공사1
  • 대한유화7
  • 덕산갈바텍1
  • 덕양산업㈜2
  • 동서석유화학(주)1
  • 동해산업1
  • 디에이치이엔티(주)1
  • 로텍엔지니어링(주)4
  • 롯데비피화학(주)4
  • 문수산업1
  • 부성기술1
  • 부영산전1
  • 부일정보링크㈜1
  • 삼성SDI(주)(부산사업장)64
  • 삼성SDI㈜(에스디아이)1
  • 삼성바이오로직스㈜14
  • 삼성전기(부산사업장)6
  • 삼성전자(주)화성사업장1
  • 삼영화학1
  • 삼원중공업2
  • 상보산업1
  • 서울검사(주)1
  • 서진이앤아이1
  • 성심테크1
  • 성진(주)1
  • 세종공업(주)1
  • 세진정밀(주)2
  • 씨에스케미칼1
  • 애경유화(주)울산공장4
  • 에스티씨-STC1
  • 에스티엠(주)2
  • 에쓰오일(주)(S-OIL)1
  • 에이치엘비(주)1
  • 에코프로2
  • 영진기공(언양읍)1
  • 오덱(주)2
  • 울산대학교1
  • 울산항만공사1
  • 위티아(주)3
  • 이수화학(주)(온산공장)2
  • 자일대우버스(주)1
  • 정명산업1
  • 정테크3
  • ㈜SK실트론2
  • ㈜롯데케미칼1
  • 주식회사 농심1
  • 주식회사건일엔지니어링2
  • ㈜정일스톨트헤븐(울산)1
  • ㈜티피티퍼시픽1
  • 지엘이엔지(구.차일엔지니어링)2
  • 진명테크1
  • 케이텍맨파워(주)1
  • 코어라인주식회사1
  • 태광산업㈜7
  • 하이에어코리아(주)1
  • 한국가스안전공사1
  • 한국능률협회4
  • 한국니토옵티칼(주)6
  • 한국석유공사 울산지사1
  • 한국하우톤(주) (온산)1
  • 한국화낙(주)1
  • 한마음마트1
  • 한맥기연(주)1
  • 한주금속(주)1
  • 한화토탈1
  • 헥시온코리아주식회사1
  • 현대E&T(주)3
  • 현대모비스㈜1
  • 현대오일뱅크(주)3
  • 현대자동차(주)4
  • 현대제철4
  • 현대중공업 해양 설계운영부1
  • 현대티엔에스틸(주)1
  • 홍인화학(주)1
  • 효성화학㈜2
  • 22


Mechanical System Design and Manufacturing Major

The Mechanical System Design and Manufacturing Major is aiming to nurture professional engineers in mechanical engineering, which is required in the basic industries such as the automobile industry, heavy industry, plant etc. in Ulsan, based on practice-oriented theory and training with a fusion of the 4th Industrial Revolution with 3D printing in the field of smart manufacturing.
To this end, we have introduced the NCS(National Competency Standard) curriculum and have been developing and running a practical-oriented curriculum with local companies jointly focusing on the production in the Machining and Mold Technology Education Center. In addition, through the MOU with Japanese recruiting companies, we also run an overseas working group that provides employment opportunities for major automobile companies in the design field in Japan.

Plant & Automation Major

The Plant & Automation Major aims to foster on-site professional technicians who have practical skills in equipment maintenance, process control, redesign and remodeling in the 4th Industrial Revolution Smart Manufacturing field.
It builds a holistic personality with a strong work ethic and universal values, provides a practical learning-based learning system, and operates a training-oriented curriculum that can quickly respond to the latest technologies in the rapidly changing field.

Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering Major

The Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering Major is one of the key industrial fields of heavy industry in Korea. It deals with the engineering problems of all offshore plants including ships. We carry out practical industry-academy cooperative education such as on-the-spot training and internships utilizing the characteristics of Ulsan, the mecca, the world's No. 1 shipbuilding and marine industry and the industrial capital of Korea. It also provides on-the-job training by experienced industry and production-oriented training by professors with theoretical and practical expertise. Through this, it nurtures technologically talented personnel with an unmatched personality that can contribute to the world-leading shipbuilding and marine industries in terms of technology and productivity.

Distinction of the Major


  • Curriculum That Reflects the Latest Technology Trends


  • Running Socially Customized Class through Industry-University Agreement.


  • Running Professional and Certification Program


  • Running Lifilong guidance professor & various clubs


  • Various Global Program

Careers After Graduating

Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, S-Oil, SK Gas, , Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, Hyundai Motor, POSCO, LG Display, Samsung Electronics, SK Innovation etc.