

Smart Factory Education Center


Professors in university

Professors in university to provide information on Name, Department, Tell, and E-mail
Name Department Tell E-mail
Lee, Kyu Yong Safety and Industrial Engineering +82 52 279-3096 kylee@uc.ac.kr
Chung, Il Han Safety and Industrial Engineering +82 52 279-3095 ihchung@uc.ac.kr
Kim, Hyun Soo Mechanical Engineering +82 52 279-3122 hskim3@uc.ac.kr
An, Jeong Yeol Electricity and Electronics +82 52 279-3144 jyan@uc.ac.kr
Han, Young Jin Safety and Industrial Engineering +82 52 279-3153 yjhan@uc.ac.kr

Professors in industry-academia

Smart Factory Education Center Industry-Academic Cooperation Council