

Hotel Culinary Arts & Bakery


[East Campus] 1-212

Dept Office

+82 52-230-0741


Prof.   +82-52-230-0746


취업관련 기업을 소개합니다.

  • 현대중공업
  • KCC
  • SK 에너지


2019~2021년도 기준 주요기업체 취업현황

  • (주)넥센테크1
  • (주)롯데호텔 울산2
  • (주)웰푸드(삼산동)1
  • (주)파라다이스호텔부산1
  • (주)현대그린푸드4
  • (주)후니드1
  • BR코리아소속베스킨라빈스2
  • JW 메리어트호텔서울1
  • 나토얀태권도체육관1
  • 닥터피자1
  • 더파티(울산신선도원점)3
  • 더푸드하우스해운대백병원점2
  • 던킨도너츠1
  • 뚜레쥬르5
  • 랑콩뜨레과자점(울산)7
  • 레스케이프호텔(팔레드신)1
  • 롯데호텔(울산)2
  • 메종드쁘띠푸르5
  • 무한수산1
  • 바이트미피자1
  • 발레나식스1
  • 브레드파파1
  • 사이먼레스토랑1
  • 삼성SDI(주)울산공장1
  • 삼성중공업1
  • 신세계베이커리 2
  • 아웃백스테이크(삼산점)1
  • 알비제과바리스타학원1
  • 울산과학대학교4
  • 울산제과제빵학원1
  • 원플레이트1
  • 웨스틴조선호텔.부산1
  • 유일산업(대구)1
  • 자영업13
  • 짬뽕가1
  • 태영테크주식회사1
  • 태화기업1
  • 투썸플레이스 언양 교동점1
  • 파스쿠찌 정자해변점1
  • 하러댄파스타1
  • 하이밀제과제빵학원1
  • 한국능률협회5
  • 헤이다이닝1
  • 현대백화점(동구점)1
  • 현대자동차(염포점)3
  • 현대중공업 연수원1
  • 현대호텔(울산)1
  • 22


Fostering professionals in the fields of cooking, baking, and beverages

The foodservice industry is a typical service trade, which serves to improve quality of life and meets peoples’ primary needs,
    and it is a growing industry that is gradually expanding in importance in terms of the national economy.

In the foodservice industry, menus are diversified, specialized, and differentiated to enhance customer satisfaction and
    brand image, and the industry is becoming globalized through exchanges and developments of global food culture.

The Department of Hotel Culinary Arts & Bakery in Ulsan aims to foster talents in the fields of cooking, baking, and beverages.
    To strengthen core major competencies, our department has developed a curriculum focusing on various aspects of
    practical training education, such as cooking, baking, and coffee etc, and offers various field-oriented courses.

In addition, our department helps student's foreign language skills improvement in order to nurture global talents,
    and you can grow into global leaders and professionals who possess creativity and international perspectives by additionally
    operates various certification programs and professional courses.

Distinction of the Major

01Fostering field-oriented experts through practical training

- Operating different levels of customized courses focusing on field training to improve job competence

  ; cuisine(Korean, Western, Chinese, Japanese), Baking(Bread, Pastry, Cookies, Cake, Chocolate), coffee etc.

- Offering basic learner-centered theoretical education to enhance scientific thinking and explorative attitude

  ; Special Culinary Terminology, Food Science, Theory of Food Service Industry and Management etc.

02Overseas employment and fostering of global talents with international perspectives

- Running various certification programs and professional courses to foster global professionals

  ; Global Chef and Bakery specialist courses, Cooking and Coffee barista certificate license etc.)

03Fostering young CEOs with creativity and expertise

- Operating clubs in each job field to help foster exemplary talents, with participation in nationwide competitions, including capstone design

Careers After Graduating


- Chef at a hotel, restaurant, or institutional foodservice


- Pâtissier at a hotel, bakery shop, or dessert cafe

Food and Beverage

- Barista at a hotel or cafe


- Open a restaurant or cafe, receive overseas employment, etc.