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  • 현대중공업
  • KCC
  • SK 에너지


2019~2021년도 기준 주요기업체 취업현황

  • BNK울산어린이집1
  • M S won 어린이집1
  • 가나유치원2
  • 강남새싹유치원4
  • 강동숲유치원1
  • 공동직장푸른들어린이집2
  • 공룡자연유치원2
  • 그림마을유치원1
  • 금비유치원4
  • 금은동어린이집1
  • 꿈밭유치원4
  • 남구청어린이집1
  • 남선미유치원3
  • 노벨유치원3
  • 대동유치원1
  • 대성유치원1
  • 도토리소풍 넥슨어린이집1
  • 동평초등학교1
  • 동해유치원3
  • 동화나라어린이집2
  • 뜰안애어린이집1
  • 롯데시네마(울산)1
  • 롯데정밀화학어린이집5
  • 룰루랄라어린이집1
  • 명신유치원2
  • 미소지움어린이집2
  • 바다별어린이집1
  • 백련과학유치원2
  • 베델유치원4
  • 별두리어린이집1
  • 블루마시티어린이집1
  • 사직유치원1
  • 삼일어린이집1
  • 상남어린이집3
  • 서라벌유치원1
  • 선미유치원6
  • 선암어린이집1
  • 성우하이텍어린이집5
  • 송전어린이집1
  • 송정초등학교병설유치원1
  • 송정호반어린이집2
  • 송화어린이집1
  • 수니유치원2
  • 수암초등병설유치원1
  • 수자인어린이집1
  • 스위첸어린이집1
  • 신정4동어린이집1
  • 신하나유치원5
  • 아리솔유치원2
  • 아이꿈어린이집1
  • 아이비어린이집1
  • 아이세상어린이집1
  • 아이숲어린이집1
  • 엠코타운어린이집1
  • 예솔유치원1
  • 예은유치원3
  • 예인어린이집2
  • 온누리유치원2
  • 우리두리어린이집1
  • 우주유치원1
  • 울산경찰청어린이집1
  • 울산과학대학교3
  • 울산근로복지공단어린이집2
  • 울산남구청어린이집3
  • 울산법원어린이집1
  • 울산삼성어린이집3
  • 울산시립연구형어린이집1
  • 월성원자력어린이집1
  • 월성유치원5
  • 으뜸과학유치원1
  • 은빛유치원4
  • 이레유치원3
  • 이화제일유치원1
  • 인애어린이집1
  • 자운영유치원3
  • 작은숲어린이집1
  • 장검어린이집1
  • 전원유치원1
  • 정광사금강유치원2
  • 정광사유치원3
  • 정인유치원6
  • 천상잔디유치원4
  • 크로바어린이집1
  • 큰사랑유치원2
  • 키즈아트어린이집2
  • 파랑새유치원1
  • 풍산안강직장어린이집2
  • 하나렘어린이집1
  • 하나어린이집1
  • 하나유치원5
  • 하늘땅유치원1
  • 한국산업인력공단어린이집2
  • 한국석유공사 돌고래어린이집6
  • 한국에너지공단에너지숲어린이집4
  • 한별유치원2
  • 한수원 해오름어린이집1
  • 해바라기유치원2
  • 현대미포조선 어린이집3
  • 현대중공업어린이집6
  • 혜화유치원4
  • 호계초등학교어린이집1
  • 화봉유치원2
  • 환희지유치원5
  • 22


Training of qualified teachers recognized as 'A grade of Teacher Training Institution Evaluation
In recent years, society has demanded high-level and differentiated education services. It needs a competent early childhood education specialist who meets these service demands effectively. The Department of Early Childhood Education operates a field-oriented curriculum in response to these demands, and through practical systematic education, we are cultivating creative and practical early childhood educators who contribute to early childhood education and childcare development in the local community.

Distinction of the Major

01Recognized As 'A Grade Of The Best Teacher Training Institution’

  • We obtained an 'A' grade, which is the highest grade in the evaluation of 3 · 4 cycle teacher training institutes, supervised by the Ministry of Education, and were certified as an excellent teacher training institute among related departments of early childhood education in Korea.

02High Rate of Employment

  • Graduates are already recognized as specialists in early childhood education in the community. Based on this, we are showing high employment rates every year.

03Close Industry-Academia Collaboration

  • Our program improves practical skills as an early childhood teacher through a close industry-university cooperation system with kindergarten and day care centers in the local community.

04Systematic Field Training

  • Through practical training and teaching practice, student will have opportunities to practice and apply the skills by integrating theoretical knowledge with field experience

05Professional Course

  • We have a variety of specialist courses and certification courses to develop distinguished professional skills such as book art, ukulele, narrating fairy tales and POP.

06Running An Advanced Course For Bachelor’s Degree

  • After completing one year of an advanced course, you can obtain a bachelor's degree in early childhood education.

Careers After Graduating

It is possible to work in national and public kindergartens, private kindergartens, national day care homes, work day care homes, private day care homes, play school teachers, after-school teachers, and education industries related to infant education.